আমরা: এক সচেতন প্রয়াস | 23 February, 2024 | 654

'Children of Heaven': Educational tour for the kids of UDAAN, Telenipara; 11 June, 2023

Almost all of them had been forcibly displaced from their homes, their utensils, ornaments, furniture were looted and their houses were burnt. They were too little to understand the causes of violence, how all of a sudden their closed neighbors became their enemy. UDAAN an educational and cultural activism by Aamra Ek Sachetan Prayas and its friends became a platform 'to stay together', 'to dream together'. This tour was a part of our continued effort to promote diversity. They enjoyed a lot and took notes of the history. It seemed that they were being transported into that period of history which was a distant past.

Diversity Co-existence

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